First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks

First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks
This was the first shot (and basically the last) where we had ALL three of them in one frame. Taken 11/23/10

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The OTHER Project

In a previous post, I mentioned trying to keep Dina’s stress to a minimum while being on “House Arrest”. 

That really could be a challenge with the OTHER project we have going.  Due to a leaky dishwasher a few years ago, and some moisture damage before I bought the house, we really had no choice but tackle getting some repairs done on the house.  We had been considering a fairly major remodel to encompass the repairs, but those plans got a little ‘side tracked’ so to speak.

The primary damage from the dishwasher leak was in the kitchen.  The floors had major water damage in a couple of spots, and then there were several joists in the dining room and front room that also had some residual damage.

The initial plans were to 1) pretty much rip out all of the kitchen (upper and lower cabinets, and completely remove the floor and subfloor, 2) rip out as much of the floor in the dining room and front room as necessary, 3) take out all of the wallpaper covered paneling in the den, and 4) make any needed repairs to the joists and piers under the house.

Our contractor started the demolition on Tuesday, 02/22/11, and Dina’s Dad came down on Wednesday to help.  They made some good progress, but on Friday our contractor was out with the Flu!  Unfortunately, he ended up being out for almost a full week.  Fortunately, it doesn’t seem that he shared the flu bug with any of us in the house.

Although we lost a few days due to illness, this past week was a good week and a lot of progress was made.  As you can see from the photos, we’ve just about completed all of the destruction, and have started putting good stuff back in its place.  As you can see in one of the photos below, Randy (our Contractor) and Dina’s Dad (Carlos) were nice enough to put down some boards to cover the open joists so I didn’t fall through the floor when I came in the back door!

Cabinets have been ordered through Home Depot and should be here on 04/06/11.  The timing of them should work out about right.  Now if we can just get the rest of the work done before any one decides to make an appearance!

Kitchen and Den with new Joists
Kitchen (shiny stuff is old insulation in the wall)

Back door and 'plank way' to keep me from falling through to the ground.
Dining room and Front room with old damaged joists

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