First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks

First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks
This was the first shot (and basically the last) where we had ALL three of them in one frame. Taken 11/23/10

Thursday, March 24, 2011

And while I’m telling on her… (see “I was warned…the first melt down”) I have to 'fess up (February 24)

As a previous post tells, we’re doing some pretty significant remodeling (go figure…”Rail decides to do a huge house remodel AFTER his wife gets pregnant”).   The major part of this remodel is the complete replacement of the kitchen.  We decided to work with Robert at Home Depot in NLR on the new cabinets.  We had talked to him before when he was at the Little Rock store, and liked some of his ideas.  We had previously worked through the decision process and had already determined the primary things:  type of wood, color, door style and general look.  The only major things left were the brand and configuration.  “That oughta be a snap!”

On Thursday (02/24) during our lunch breaks, I left my office, picked Dina up, and we made our first visit to the Depot with measurements and some pretty solid ideas about what Dina wanted.  We sat down with Robert and started the process.  I didn’t anticipate it would take a great deal of time to just give him the layout and measurements and turn him loose (probably not the ‘most’ astute assumption on my part).

As we were approaching our absolute drop-dead time to walk out of there and get back to our respective offices (me for a scheduled meeting), we finally wrapped things up with Robert and left.  Trying to walk as quickly as we could comfortably navigate back to the truck from the very back of the store – and when they refer to ‘Big Box Stores’, they really do seem huge when it is Dina making the trek, although not quite a waddle, but getting pretty close!

Once in the truck, my mind pretty much shifted to ‘getting back to work on time’ and ‘getting something quick to eat on the way’.  Not real tough activities, but I headed right for the interstate and didn’t even think about there being fast-food places just down the street (the other direction) – probably should have been a sign (#1).  There are basically 2 routes back to my office…one of which is taking I-630 about half way through mid-town, or going through downtown and taking Cantrell. 

We continued to talk a little about the kitchen design, and as we crossed the river I was trying to plot a course back to my office that would take us past a fast-food place.  I mentioned to Dina that I didn’t think there was anything really convenient to grab food if I took Cantrell  – possibly sign number 2.  So, I stayed on I-30 and headed for I-630.  I had decided to take the Pine/Cedar exit and would stop somewhere on Markham, it would be right on the way back to my office. 

As I passed the Woodrow exit (definitely a sign), Dina finally starts to make a comment and it suddenly dawned on me… I had picked her up, and she would probably be very appreciative if I actually took her BACK to her office as well! 

Wow… and they say women get ‘pregnant brain’ and begin to forget stuff.  Holy smokes, I was on a one-track mission and completely missed taking her back to her office!

Oh well, it wasn’t too far out of the way to take the Pine/Cedar exit and take her back to her office.  And, I made it back for my meeting with a few minutes to spare (after snarfing down my lunch behind the wheel)!  And she got a really good laugh out of the deal!

Still holding it together, but it’s getting mighty slippery!

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