First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks

First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks
This was the first shot (and basically the last) where we had ALL three of them in one frame. Taken 11/23/10

Thursday, March 24, 2011

And so it begins! (from March 2nd)

It was Wednesday evening and Dina was still feeling pretty good, so she decided to go to Chancel Choir practice.  Although she was able to prop her feet up, it was getting a bit uncomfortable in the straight-backed chairs.  She basically was holding her music with her left hand, and had that hand propped up on her right hand as it lay across the top of her belly.  (Well, it does provide a pretty good shelf sitting there!)

One thing about choir, and music in general, is that singing has the power to move you (no pun intended for this story), to bring back memories, and to create emotions.  It's not unusual for a tear to be shed when singing certain songs or when the music just affects you.  However, this just wasn't one of those songs.

We were rehearsing an arrangement of "Be Thou My Vision", which is a nice song (for those Bethel College/University folks, it was sung at every Convocation); it’s just not necessarily one that you would think would bring someone to tears.  But, about midway through the song, while sitting next to Dina, Susan looked over at her and Dina just had tears streaming down her face.  Susan was a bit concerned but assumed it was OK.  Before the song was over, David also looked up and noticed the tears.  When we got to the end of the song, both Susan and David sort of looked at her questioningly.  She wiped the tears from her face and said "I felt one of the babies move!  I felt him kick or move under my hand!" 

That brought a small round of 'aaawws' and smiles from the choir, and a slightly larger round of chuckles with the offering of a typical (and somewhat expected) comment "yeah, it's cute now, just give it a few months!"  (hee, hee, hee!)  There are some pretty quick witted folks in our Chancel Choir, and also some incredibly wonderful friends!

And so it begins...

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