First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks

First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks
This was the first shot (and basically the last) where we had ALL three of them in one frame. Taken 11/23/10

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dina and the Boys* Update…

This will be one of those completely out of sync posts, but figure I’m so far behind at this point, I may never catch up!

It’s the second weekend of March and we’re starting 24 weeks.  Dina had her most recent doctor’s appointment this past Monday.  We heard audio of each heartbeat and everyone sounded good.  She is doing really well overall.  However, I think this was sort of the doctor’s mandatory ‘Scared Straight’ message.  He made the comment (sort of question) “you’re not working, right.”  To which she responded, “Well…no, I am.  That’s not what we talked about before.”  I never actually saw Monte Hall (or the current host Wayne Brady) show up in the room, but a pretty serious round of “Let’s Make a Deal” broke out as Dina started to bargain just a bit.  He agreed to her working 2 of the remaining 4 days in the office that week, and then working from home, as long as it didn’t create additional stress.  Her manager and her team have been very supportive.  She should be able to work from home and be fairly productive, and hopefully not get stressed out (she’s also been doing very good about that thus far).

Part of his discussion earlier was that from this point on, “Everything matters, all the marbles are in play, and all the cards are on the table.”  He also said that going forward any issues with the pregnancy were likely going to be caused from ‘outside influences’ and things that cause her stress.  We’ll really have to work on that!

One of the challenges, and things Dr. Wendel has pointed out using a small paper tape measure (like you use for doing alterations), was the measurement from her pelvic bone to the bottom of her diaphragm.  He measured and according to her size, her body is measuring 34 weeks along, or almost full term for a single pregnancy.  However, as his next step was to have her hold one end of the tape and he pulled several inches of slack above her belly, and he showed her where she will likely be with triplets.  There really was quite a bit of difference!  And therein is the issue… her body thinks it’s about 34 weeks along, and it’s actually just passing 23 weeks.

So, we’re now on our first official week of ‘House Arrest’ for Dina.  We’ll see how that goes!

*  The title of this post, as was coined by one of our very musical friends, can be sung to the tune of Elton John’s “Benny and the Jets”.  I’ll leave any alternate lyrics up to your own creativity!  (Thanks Dan, you realize that’s probably gonna stick!) 
Dina @ 23 weeks.
Waiting on the doctor and reviewing her children's choir music!

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