First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks

First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks
This was the first shot (and basically the last) where we had ALL three of them in one frame. Taken 11/23/10

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Words you don't really want to hear... (from your OB/GYN, while you have your feet in stirrups and an ultrasound wand in your hoo ha

Following the actual “procedure” and then the “magic wand of wonder”, the next big step was the first visit back to the doctor.  While we discussed whether both of us needed to go, we decided they were probably just going to do a blood test to confirm the magic wand and that would be about it.  Au contraire, mon frère...this would be the first appearance and discovery of the trips!  (*Note to the guys, do NOT miss ANY appointments, EVER.  Go to all of them!) 

Unbeknownst to us, Dina would have her first ultrasound on this visit.  And for those of us who are a) not of the female gender and b) unfamiliar with this whole process, this was an “internal” type of ultrasound, where the doctor uses a wand and goes inside, to get an up-close and personal view.  The proctologist just really doesn’t seem that bad after learning about this procedure.

If you’ve never been in one of these rooms, they aren’t exactly huge, open spaces.  It’s rather cozy to have that much equipment in there, and a nurse and a doctor.  So out go the lights, she’s in the stirrups, and the doctor begins his examination.  After several minutes (that seemed like hours), the doctor is poking and prodding and taking ‘snap shots’ of her uterus.  The nurse very quietly and (attempting to be discrete) leans over to the doctor and says the infamous words you really do not want to hear while you have your feet up in stirrups and an ultrasound wand in your hoo ha, “Does she know?  (WHAT?!?!?  Are you kidding me?!?!?) 

At this point… Dina just about comes up off the table, stares at the doctor, and in a ‘rather’ concerned voice says…”I’m right here, do I know WHAT?!?”

Dr. Moutos very reservedly and calmly says “Everything is fine, just relax.  Let me take a couple more pictures and I’ll show you the monitor.”  I’m not real sure she bought it or her blood pressure has anywhere close to normal at this point, but in just a few more minutes, he removed the wand and turned the monitor around.  He proceeds to point out one small outlined oval with something that resembles a lima bean inside it and says “here’s one”.  He then points to another spot on the screen and says “here’s two more!”, to which she responded, “two more as in 1 and 1 is two, or two more as in THREE?!?”  Dr. Moutos said it is three total.

While I wasn’t there, I can vividly imagine the sheer look of disbelief, followed by a smile, accompanied with a chuckle/laugh, which I’ve seen and heard numerous times since then.

Dr. Moutos explained that faced with all the issues we were, and the fact she was on the lowest dose of Clomid, she was in the less than 1% category for conceiving multiples.  Dina responded with a laugh, “it’s all my mother’s fault!”

For years, Dina and her mother (Jean) have had a long running joke when asked about having a baby.  Dina’s response had been…”well, maybe one, I don’t know.”  And just to harass her, Jean would respond with “well in that case, I’ll just have to pray for twins!”  (Cue the closing music clip of Alanis Morissette’s “Ironic”,  And isn't it ironic...don't you think!”)

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