First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks

First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks
This was the first shot (and basically the last) where we had ALL three of them in one frame. Taken 11/23/10

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sharing the news…with me

As the mentioned in the previous post (Words you don’t want to hear), I really should not have missed the first appointment at 6 weeks.

While Dina was at the doctor’s office, I went about my work day as usual.  As 11:00 rolled around, my stomach (and co-worker) determined it was lunchtime.  As we drove to a lunch spot, I received a text from Dina saying that the doctor was running late, and she was still waiting.  After digging out my phone from under my jacket and seatbelt, it was just easier to sit it down in the console.  For those that know me, my phone is like an appendage, and I very seldom ever am without it.  But my stomach’s priority became my focus and I left my phone in the console as we went in for lunch.

*(Side note – ever make one of those statements that comes back to haunt you?!?  I know it’s a crazy notion, but I sometimes get frustrated with Dina when she doesn’t have her phone or when she ignores it, and I need to get in touch with her.  Yeah, well… you get the idea where this is headed!)

My co-worker and I had an uneventful lunch, and returned to the truck.  As I sat down, I noticed I left my phone in the console (oops!!!).  I had 1 missed call, 1 text message, and it started ringing while I was looking at it.

In a somewhat exasperated voice Dina says “WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?”  I respond with “Sorry, I left my phone in the truck after your text earlier.”  Again, I get “Where are you?!?”  Sensing the urgency in her voice, I said “At lunch, with Ben, at Jason’s.  Are you OK?!?”  She said “Yes, I’ll be right there!”  Having already started the truck and pulling out of the parking space, I told her “Hold on, we’re on the way back to the office.”  “OK” she says, “I’ll meet you there in the parking lot.”

At this point I’m thinking to myself she said she was OK, so that’s good, but this could be a rather ‘interesting’ discussion.  Ben, on the other hand, had heard only one side of the conversation and offered something along the line of “I don’t know what you did, but that didn’t sound good!”  I sort of laughed and sloughed it off, and we went back to the office.

Just as she said, Dina was waiting in the parking lot.  I sat down in the passenger seat and asked her what was up, and was she OK.  She gave me a brief overview of the doctor’s visit, then she grins and confirms that we are in fact pregnant!  I don’t really think that was too much of a shock, since we had already done the EPT with the “magic wand”, but still it was a pretty amazing thing to know that we were pregnant.

Then, she pulls out a folded up piece of paper, and proceeds to show me an ultrasound picture of a tiny lima bean looking thing.  She smiles and looks at me, watching to see if there is any response, and I ‘think’ I might have nodded slightly.  She smiles a little bigger, raises her eyebrows and unfolds another page, and says “that’s one…and this is two,” then unfolds ANOTHER page and says “and this is THREE!!!”

So there she sits, holding 2 feet worth of accordion-folded ultrasound photos.  And there I sit, with a pair of wrap around sunglasses on, so dark she could not even see my eyes.  I’m not really sure what was running through my mind, aside from a bit of shock settling in, and I didn’t really move or say anything.  (I think I knew this was a possibility, but never really gave it that much thought).  Dina sat there for a few more seconds, patiently and expectantly waiting for a reply or a response of any sort.  I don’t know how long she waited on me to process the information, but finally she couldn’t stand it any longer.  She reached over with one hand a carefully raised my sun glasses to uncover my eyes -- 1) to see if I was still conscious, 2) trying to see if I was even coherent at this point, and 3) to see if she could see any type of reaction in my eyes!  At some point I do think I at least blinked and she asked me “are you OK?”  That sort of brought me back to reality… or at least to whatever this new “reality” is, on which we were about to embark!!

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