First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks

First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks
This was the first shot (and basically the last) where we had ALL three of them in one frame. Taken 11/23/10

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Circle grows…

You know how some news is too good to keep secret and that feeling that if you don’t tell someone you’re just going to burst!  Well… Dina was almost busting at the seams (no pun or foreshadowing intended) to tell someone!

In my mind, I sort of pictured Dina and I as being together in the proverbial ‘Circle of Trust’ (Jack Byrnes, “Meet the Parents).  As we shared the information with another person or group, our little circle would grow.  I sort of figured, the first real additions to the circle would be our parents. 

However, there were a few additions along the way…

Following ‘The Shot episode’, and the actual procedure, there were some meds which Dina had been instructed to take.  Unfortunately, while at the doctor’s office, we didn’t think to ask if she should continue taking that med if she actually became pregnant.  Being the weekend, we were not able to talk to the nurse in the doctor’s office and Dina was concerned.  We have some very good friends who have been travelling this same road, and she is a nurse.  So Dina picked up the phone and gave her a call.  The usual pleasantries were exchanged and then Dina sort of snuck in a question about the med she was taking, and ‘if she happened to get pregnant, would she need to stop taking the meds’.  Without giving it a second thought, our friend responded, it would be fine to keep taking the medication.  It should not pose any issues and… “WAIT A MINUTE!!! Are you not telling me what you’re not telling me?!?!?!”
… the Circle on Dina’s side grows by one!

I can only imagine the totality of thoughts, feelings, and emotions that course through a pregnant women’s body accompanied and ushered by the onslaught of hormones.  After years of trying, and finally actually getting pregnant, there were so many questions she wanted to ask and things she wanted to know, but there was no one to talk with when you have just found out (and ‘the Circle’ is still pretty small).  Again, sometimes you just have to share.  Since one of our friends was already somewhat in the loop from ‘the Shot Episode’, and Dina really needed to be able to talk about it, she told our friends and voila.
… the Circle grows by two!

As we march on toward telling the folks in December, there were a few others along the way as our Circle continued to grow.

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