First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks

First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks
This was the first shot (and basically the last) where we had ALL three of them in one frame. Taken 11/23/10

Saturday, February 19, 2011

It’s not quite December yet…

Although this adventure really began around the first of October, you do have some time in which you can hide this sort of thing, but that only lasts for so long!

Since we were still scheming to tell our parents when they were all together in December, and those were the first ones we wanted to really ‘tell’, we still had a little bit of time to keep her ‘only slightly’ growing belly camouflaged.  The second weekend of November, Dina needed to make a trip to Kentucky to visit her family.

She carefully picked out what she would wear to help try and hide her little baby bump and actually was able to keep things hidden with no one suspecting anything.

One funny moment happened when Dina and her mother were on the way to a Pampered Chef party, and her mother made one of the conversation openers that really make you stop and wonder.  Jean said “There is something I want talk to you about before we get to the party.”  Dina immediately thought ‘OK, something has happened and there’s something or someone that you can’t say or don’t want to mention.’  Her mother went on to say that Dina and I had really been in her mind lately.  She said one of her customers, who was older than Dina and had been told all of her life she would not be able to have children, was pregnant.  She told Dina to not give up hope and to just put it in God’s hands and it would work out.  Dina really had to put on her poker face as she thought to herself… “I’m gonna ROCK your world in about three weeks Mom!”

She was able to contain herself and told her Mom that we were not giving up and that things would work out!

And boy howdy… did we ever rock her world in December!

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