First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks

First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks
This was the first shot (and basically the last) where we had ALL three of them in one frame. Taken 11/23/10

Saturday, February 19, 2011

December is here, and so are her parents…

We had managed to get through November and Thanksgiving with my family and through the end of Football /tailgating season without arousing too many suspicions.  The RCMC concert weekend was approaching, and Dina parents were due to be at the house late Friday night (it’s typically a 6-hour drive).  Her parents and her grandmother made it in around Midnight, and were pretty worn out.

One of the side effects of being pregnant, and certainly so with carrying triplets, is the amount of energy they consume and consequently the amount of food needed to sustain them! 

*(Side note:  One fantastic piece of advice Dina received early on was to never get to the point of being hungry, and to always stay in front of it to keep from getting sick.  This seems to have worked so far.  Although she had some minor bouts with nausea, she never has been sick.)

Saturday morning’s routine for the past 3 or 4 years on these concert weekends has been pretty much the same.  I get up and head to rehearsal around 8:30.  The rest of the folks get up and around whenever, and they usually have a fairly large breakfast (I only know this from the scraps and leftovers). 

On this particular morning, as had become her bladder’s custom, Dina was up fairly early, and after a priority stop at the restroom, her stomach was now awake and making its level of hunger known.  Keeping with her now normal routine, Dina disappeared into the kitchen to grab a quick bite to eat.  She usually sits in the recliner (and enjoys her latest viewing idiosyncrasy - catching a rerun of Matlock or Perry Mason) and eats her first little meal of the day.  However today, about 2 minutes later, she appears back in the bedroom with her bowl of cereal and spoon in hand with a sheepish look.  She climbs in the bed with her snack and I just sort of look at her with an inquisitive stare.

She responded that no one was up yet and if her mother heard her stirring around, she would get up, and she would see Dina eating a snack.   Then, later when they actually cooked the big breakfast, Dina would be eating again.  She was quite certain her mother would get suspicious and know something was up. 

I don’t think I’ve ever heard of clandestine breakfast in bed as a side effect of pregnancy!

T-minus 12 hours and counting…

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