First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks

First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks
This was the first shot (and basically the last) where we had ALL three of them in one frame. Taken 11/23/10

Monday, May 23, 2011

Well…it’s about THAT time!!!

I’ll try to post more details later…  but a quick update for now.

This afternoon, Dina’s feet and legs were swelling, so she called the doctor and after a brief visit, he had us admitted to UAMS hospital.

Her blood pressure had spiked for several reasons, but was about 160/110.  After getting to the hospital, we got in a room, had blood drawn for the initial lab work, and got hooked up on the fetal monitors and blood pressure monitor.  They have her on an IV and pushed magnesium sulfate to help avoid any seizures, and it also helps lower blood pressure somewhat.

The initial lab work showed an elevated AST enzyme in her liver. 

At 12:30 am (Tuesday), they took another sample to the lab, and her blood pressure has remained down somewhat (140s/80s-90s).

We’re waiting for the lab results (should be around 1:30am) and her parents should be here any minute, but not before the downpour started (fortunately it is covered parking).  That will make Dina very happy and I'll very happy they made it safely here.

I’ll post more later.

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