First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks

First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks
This was the first shot (and basically the last) where we had ALL three of them in one frame. Taken 11/23/10

Friday, May 6, 2011

31 Weeks – we’ve made it to the national average for triplets!!!

Our doctor’s appointment on Thursday morning (05/05/11) was good.  This was the first time in this entire process where things were just slightly not great (I do not want to say they were bad, because they were not bad, just not 100% good).

As he entered the room, the opening statement from Dr. Wendel was “31 and a half weeks… we’re there!” 

Sort of a scary thought to actually hear him say it, and then the realization and implications of it!  J  He did an “audio” ultrasound, which is basically a microphone connected to a monitor/speaker that you can hear the individual heart beat of the babies.  All still sounded good, although he did say that “C” was his favorite.  Which Dina said “Of course, he’s on top and easy to find every time!”  He laughed and said that “A” was probably hacked off since he’s stuck down at the bottom and getting kicked and squished!

The minor issues this time around are slightly elevated blood pressure (136/84, which was up from last time of 124/72), and +1 protein in her urine.  The doctor was not too concerned and said “there is a reason the national average for triplets is 31 weeks.  This is when things start to happen…”  He said we would check it again in one week, and if it continued to tick upward, we would start to make plans.  Fortunately we have made it this far without anything like this happening previously.   Things start to happen, the body begins to react in certain ways, and it’s all just par for the course.

**  This next paragraphcomment is one of those blog entries that will likely get me a “look” from Dina when she reads it**

I do have to share the next comments the doctor made… the swelling and fluid retention is just part of it… “you know the Barney Rubble feet, swollen face, fat nose… but the features on your face still look good…”  I really, really had to try not to laugh at the Barney Rubble feet comment (which scored me one of those looks from her in the doctor’s office too)! 
Bless her heart! But I really don't think she has Barney Rubble feet!

Her measurements put her at 45 weeks (or a month over-due) for a single pregnancy; so basically her body is the size of a 10-month single pregnancy woman.  She is still having some issues with fluid retention and her hands being a bit numb. 

We’ve been very blessed and fortunate that things have gone so exceptionally good this far.  I think hearing the first “not great” news at this visit sort of caused just a tinge of concern for Dina.  Overall, she’s still doing fantastic.  Her employer and boss have been great in that she is still working from home.

Overall, the doctor said not to change a thing and to keep doing what she’s been doing.

On a side-note, and what I thought would be a separate blog, the house remodel/repair is getting close.  Painting and trim are about 95%, cabinets are about 95%, counter tops should be installed next week (if we can get the appliances picked out and installed), hardwood flooring is supposed to be installed today (Friday), the master bathroom is about 98% done, and the main parts of the nursery are basically done (paint, trim, and carpet).  I’ll try to post some photos of that soon.

We’re getting there!  Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!  They do make a difference and we absolutely could not have made it this far without them!

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