First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks

First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks
This was the first shot (and basically the last) where we had ALL three of them in one frame. Taken 11/23/10

Friday, June 29, 2012

OMG...It's been OVER a YEAR?!?!?! Seriously...(I'm embarrassed)

Family Foto at 1 year old! (L to R:  Joshua, Noah, Andrew)
OK, it has been OVER a year since I've managed to post ANYTHING here on this blog.  I'm extremely embarrassed and terribly sorry I haven't made any updates.  I assure you, it ain't because nothing's been going on!

On a GOOD NOTE -- "Da Boys" are 13 months old, and everyone (including Mommy and Daddy) are still surviving!  Whoo Hoo!!  Actually, we're doing much better than just surviving.  It has truly been an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G year!  We are incredibly blessed and I am just in awe, daily, at how these little guys have changed my world!

I've pretty much given up on the idea that I'll start from where I left off and get things caught up.  I will try to go back and fill in some gaps as I pull up photos and recall various stories and events.

I basically just wanted to get something out here to a) make sure this thing was still working, b) check out some technical mumbo-jumbo with my URL, and c) try to get rolling on this again.

SO...there it is, a quick post, a new photo, and what hopefully is a new start to getting my blogging back on track to try and keep up with some of the events going on in the lives of "Da Boys", and the world of OMG...It's (still) 3!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Very Quick (and way overdue update)…

Things are going exceptionally good!  It's actually pretty AMAZING! 

Dina was discharged on Friday and has been at home trying to rest and recoup.  She is making daily trips to the hospital to visit the boys.  Once again this following statement was confirmed, this time after a visit by one of our friends who is a NICU nurse:  Dina is absolutely AMAZING to have not only gotten these boys to 34 weeks gestation, but also for delivering two 5+ pound babies and a near 4 pounder that was in excellent health.  She is already a Mommy of rock star caliber!

Andrew, Joshua and Noah are doing great!  Noah had a typical 'preemie' issue with his lungs, but has responded very well to the procedure/treatment he received on Friday.  Andrew and Joshua were put in 'open' bassinets/cribs Monday evening (out of their isolette/incubators).  If they continue to maintain their body temp and continue to gain weight, they will likely go home after 48 to 72 hours observation in the open crib, which could be Thursday or Friday (pretty scary and absolutely amazing all at the same time)!   I expect Noah will be 5 to 7 days behind his brothers (which is probably another blessing in and of itself… that we get 2 home, get some things figured out, and then add the third)! 

We feel EXTREMELY blessed to have found such a wonderful choir family, church family, and the friends and family we have surrounding us.

Without a doubt, the Lord absolutely knows what he's doing.  As crazy the following sounds, I should probably be much more concerned (actually scared half to death) about the whole fact that I've got THREE little ones coming home and THREE little lives for which I'm responsible.  However, Dina and I both feel so wonderfully blessed and have such an incredible support group around us, that we are just not worrying about it.  It will ALL work out!

Life is good!

Thanks again for all your prayers and well wishes!

Noah - resting/kicked back
Joshua - hmmm...same pose
Andrew - doin' his thing, stretched out

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Andrew Wilson Rail

Andrew Wilson Rail - about 30 minutes old, in recovery room

Andrew and Daddy in recovery room

Andrew Wilson Rail


Joshua Lee Rail

Joshua Lee Rail -
Full head of dark hair like Mommy
Probably more hair than Daddy!

Joshua and Mommy's hand

Oh Hey, it's Mommy!

Mommy holding Joshua for the first time

Noah Alan Rail

Noah Alan Rail

Noah and Mommy's hand

A couple of other shots...

Nana (left), Gram (center), Papaw (right), Mommy lower right
checking out Noah
Andrew: Who needs that paci?
Or maybe he's just a future rock star!
It's most definantly NOT "Hook 'em horns"

Wednesday Evening Update

We have been so blessed not only by the arrival of three beautiful and healthy (although a bit preemie) baby boys, but have felt the support and love of an absolutely incredible group of family and friends.  It truly is just amazing!

As of Wednesday evening, everyone is doing good.

Dina is off of the IV pain meds and magnesium (as of last night), and is feeling a lot better today.  She has had some elevated creatinine levels (which is a measurement of how well her kidneys are – or are not – functioning).  They have continued to give her some IV fluids to help her kidney function, which has maintained some swelling in her extremities.  Overall, she’s doing remarkably well and has been an absolute trooper in getting through all of this.  The nurses and doctors in the NICU have just been amazed that she was able to carry triplets to 34 weeks and has two 5+ pound babies.  As Dr. Wendel said, she is just a machine!

The babies are doing very well for 34-week preemies.  The smallest, formerly known as “Baby C” – Andrew Wilson, weighed 3 lbs 13 ozs, and had Apgar scores of 9 and 9.  Apgar is named after an anesthesiologist, Virginia Apgar, who devised this system for grading newborns.  Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration (apgar) – which measure for:  Skin Color/Complexion, Pulse rate, Reflex, Muscle tone, Breathing.  The two scores are for 3 minutes after birth and 10 minutes after birth.  The scale is from 0 to 10, and it is almost impossible to rate a 10.  For the little guy in the group, he came out absolutely the most healthy, and was breathing air on his own with no assistance from the word go!  Of course, he had been stretched out, reclining on top of his brothers for months!  One of the first nurses to work with him called him her “little dynamo!”  Several folks have said Andrew favors me somewhat.
Formerly known as Baby B – Joshua Lee weighed 5 lbs 6 ozs, and is the bruiser of the bunch!  His apgar was 8 and 8.  He had been the hardest to measure for several months and came out the biggest.  Although he is not on oxygen, he does have an air helper (or an air push) to make it easier to breath in (similar to a pap machine for those snorers).  He has a head full of dark brown hair and really does resemble Dina a lot. 
The first born, formerly Baby A – Noah Alan weighed 5 lbs 3 ozs.  When he was removed via the c-section, the cord was wrapped around his neck and he had a couple of other issues.  Unfortunately, his lungs are still a little under developed.  He is on oxygen, around 30%, to keep help keep his blood oxygenated.  They sort of expect that condition with preemies, but are very hopeful he will straighten it out.  Right now he is really having to work hard to breathe, but they think he will be fine over time.

It really has been a blur the past 48 hours, but things are going extremely good.  Dina is resting and I hope to get another pretty good night’s sleep tonight also (if I quit posting and responding to emails)!

Thank you again for all the prayers and good thoughts. 

God has truly blessed us, and we are incredibly thankful!