First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks

First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks
This was the first shot (and basically the last) where we had ALL three of them in one frame. Taken 11/23/10

Saturday, February 19, 2011


There are some things over which you just don’t have any control.  When timing is of the utmost importance, and you’re on nature’s time clock, you sort of have to do what you have to do when nature says it’s time.  Setting the process in motion was ‘the Shot episode’, which meant 36 hours later (Sunday morning) we would have the IUI procedure.  There are any number of amusing and equally embarrassing stories I could probably share about ‘the process’ but I’d like to keep this a primarily ‘G’ rated blog.

I would like to acknowledge that I had never thought about the fact that due to the nature of 'timing' happening 7 days per week, the doctor's office staff would also have to work 7 days a week.  I greatly appreciate the dedication of their staff and the fact that they provide their services every day of the week.
There are two side notes on this whole adventure I will share.

Sitting in the waiting room waiting to go in for the IUI procedure, my cell phone rang.  I received a call from my Mom and Aunt while they were sitting in the airport in Atlanta with my Great Aunt on their way to take a Caribbean Cruise.  There were a couple of things she somewhat urgently needed for me to do for her in Little Rock.  Assuming I was at church (which at 9:15 on a Sunday morning was a fairly safe bet), she asked if I could go to her condo and take care of a couple of things.  Her condo is just a short jog from the Church.  Sharing that I was not at Church and was sitting in a waiting room was really not an option, but I did tell her I would take care of it.  Eventually, I did.  Blatantly lying to your parents, even as an adult with a very good reason, is not a lot of fun.  But, it was rather humorous for Dina and me to share while we were waiting.  It may have just been the nervous energy.

The down side to the whole IUI procedure is the somewhat ‘impersonal’ nature of it.  Calling it the turkey baster method probably doesn’t help that whole image either.  As I stood there holding her hand, one of the things that kept running through my mind was Bill Cosby’s comedy routine on “Natural Child Birth” (  He quotes Carol Burnett describing and comparing labor pains and child birth to “pulling your lower lip over your head!” and the ensuing description as his wife announces to the entire delivery room “this is HIS FAULT, he did this to me!”  And my thoughts were, when that happens, at that exact moment, I’d have the out of saying “but all I did was hold your hand!”

I know, a perfectly wonderful moment spoiled by my mind wondering to a comedy bit!  Go figure!

Obviously, things worked out very well.

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