First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks

First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks
This was the first shot (and basically the last) where we had ALL three of them in one frame. Taken 11/23/10

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Very Quick (and way overdue update)…

Things are going exceptionally good!  It's actually pretty AMAZING! 

Dina was discharged on Friday and has been at home trying to rest and recoup.  She is making daily trips to the hospital to visit the boys.  Once again this following statement was confirmed, this time after a visit by one of our friends who is a NICU nurse:  Dina is absolutely AMAZING to have not only gotten these boys to 34 weeks gestation, but also for delivering two 5+ pound babies and a near 4 pounder that was in excellent health.  She is already a Mommy of rock star caliber!

Andrew, Joshua and Noah are doing great!  Noah had a typical 'preemie' issue with his lungs, but has responded very well to the procedure/treatment he received on Friday.  Andrew and Joshua were put in 'open' bassinets/cribs Monday evening (out of their isolette/incubators).  If they continue to maintain their body temp and continue to gain weight, they will likely go home after 48 to 72 hours observation in the open crib, which could be Thursday or Friday (pretty scary and absolutely amazing all at the same time)!   I expect Noah will be 5 to 7 days behind his brothers (which is probably another blessing in and of itself… that we get 2 home, get some things figured out, and then add the third)! 

We feel EXTREMELY blessed to have found such a wonderful choir family, church family, and the friends and family we have surrounding us.

Without a doubt, the Lord absolutely knows what he's doing.  As crazy the following sounds, I should probably be much more concerned (actually scared half to death) about the whole fact that I've got THREE little ones coming home and THREE little lives for which I'm responsible.  However, Dina and I both feel so wonderfully blessed and have such an incredible support group around us, that we are just not worrying about it.  It will ALL work out!

Life is good!

Thanks again for all your prayers and well wishes!

Noah - resting/kicked back
Joshua - hmmm...same pose
Andrew - doin' his thing, stretched out