First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks

First shot of the Triplets at 8 weeks
This was the first shot (and basically the last) where we had ALL three of them in one frame. Taken 11/23/10

Monday, April 25, 2011

Doctor's Appointment at 30 weeks -- a Most Excellent Visit!

I keep getting these funny looks when I ask her to pose so I can share with all of you!  I’ve tried to tell her a picture is worth a 1,000 words, and just don’t have time to type that much!

We received an EXCELLENT report from Dr. Wendel today.  Trying not to violate any HIPAA laws (LOL), but here is an update…

We had an ultrasound today (04/25/11), and it was a bit of a chore.  With 3 babies, all of them squirming around and NOT happy about being poked and prodded, it was quite a workout both on the technician and on Dina!

I am extremely excited to report that all 3 boys appear to be doing great!  Weights are all above 3.5 pounds, and all are measuring right around 30 weeks (per the doctor, the measurements are ‘estimates’ but likely within 15%).  Most importantly, they are all still developing at the same rate and are all about the same size.  Three things they look for at this point are fluid levels for each (which all were good), symmetrical development among each of them, and general movement and activity…and boy are they active!

Aside from the 40-minute marathon ultrasound, it was a quick visit.  Dr. Wendel is exceptionally pleased with how Dina is doing.  Her blood pressure is fantastic, weight is good, and no major issues such as cramps or contractions.  She does have some numbness in her hands, but otherwise is doing great!  His comment was “You’re a machine!  I just can’t tell you how pleased I am with how you are doing!”  He also commented that we’ve made it through several milestones – 24 weeks (to a point of viability), 28 weeks (to avoid some significant heath issues), and are closing in on his initial goal, from the 14-week visit, where he said he wanted us to shoot for at least 32 weeks.  He also commented that with as well as she is doing, she could be one that makes it to 34 to 36 weeks, which would just be fantastic!

Dina made the comment after the appointment that Dr. Wendel just didn’t know who he was dealing with on the front-end of this adventure, and just how headstrong, determined and focused she could be!  She also said he probably didn’t know the countless number of prayers that are being said on our behalf.  Dina and I both know, and can never express how much it means to us, nor how grateful we are to all of you who have kept us in your thoughts and prayers.  We have no doubt in the power of prayer and are humbly thankful for what a blessing this has been, and will continue to be.  We are surrounded and supported by an incredible group of family and friends, and we know we simply could not be where we are without each of you.

She is doing such an incredible job of taking care of herself and the babies.  I can’t express how amazed I am at her every day, and how much I love her for all that she is going through.

Happy Easter!!!

Easter and we're 30 weeks!!! Dina made it to church, but it really wore her out.
I couldn't resist having her pose at such a cute backdrop they had for the Easter egg hunt on Saturday.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Doctor's Appointment at 28 weeks

Dina at her 28-week doctor's appointment, trying to get comfy while waiting on the doc.

It was a good visit, and she is doing really well.  She is measuring at 41 weeks for a single pregnancy (which is why it looks sort of like she’s ready to pop at any minute).

We are extremely thankful and blessed that things have gone as well as they have thus far.

The doctor was very pleased with her progress and even made the comment since her blood pressure and other indicators have been so good, she might be one of the ones who carry triplets well past the 31-week national average and make it to 35 or 36 weeks (end of May, first of June).